
Sunday, 23 September 2018

Speed Writing

Hello bloggers today I have some Speed writing writing from 4 weeks ago. It was really fun writing it we had 10 minutes to write it. What was challenging was doing my vocabulary,ideas and punctuation. Here it is

Hello Gameshow Host, I am writing this letter to you ask you some
questions, give you advice and yeah.

First off What happened when you got shipwrecked?
, Are you okay?,Are there any survivors,
Do you need help? If you/you’s do get back to me A.S.A.P please

Here's some advice to get food,drink and get out of island.
If you would like to drink find a very sandy spot and dig about 6 feet
then you will find water.
And if you want to eat there would be some trees
with teeny yellow berries.
Just climb tree. Or food in ship And I gave you 100 breads,
100 waters and 2 first aid kit
.If you/you’s want to escape the island then you can make a group
swim and get help or write a letter for me and I’ll get you help

Blog ya later!

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